You will find in this section a directory of LGBTQ+ resources for people from ages 12 to 20. If you want to suggest us a new resource, don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail at [email protected].
Canada-wide and Quebec-wide resources
Some organizations can offer you support no matter where you are in Canada: Interligne, Kids Help Phone and Gender Creative Kids. If you live in Quebec, the following resources can also give you the support you need, no matter what region you live in: Tel-jeunes, Aide aux trans du Québec and Action Santé Travesti(e)s Transsexuel(le)s du Québec (ASTTEQ).
Rainbow Health Ontario / Santé Arc-en-ciel Ontario
Santé arc-en-ciel Ontario (SAO) est un programme d’envergure provinciale qui vise à promouvoir la santé et le bien-être des personnes lesbiennes, gaies, bisexuelles et trans (LGBTQ) de l’Ontario à travers de formations, recherche, sensibilisation, et défense d’intérêts en matière de politique publique.
Nos services comprennent :
Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) is a province-wide program working to improve access to services and promote the health of our lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ) communities. We provide valuable resources for all stakeholders including: community groups, service providers, researchers, policy makers and educators.
RHO works to improve access to services for LGBTQ communities across the province by: