In this section, you will find educational and informative tools for adult mentors, or for any other person that works with youth, for example teachers or social workers.

Those tools are classified by theme, you just have to click on the title of the section to get to the right tool.

Sexuality education must be taught by a responsible adult, and mostly that person must be qualified to address this particular topic with youth. The following websites and documents aim to give you information about those topics, but don't hesitate to ask for the help of a professional (for example, a sexologist) If you want, we can help you find such a person in your area : just call Interligne's helpline at +1 (888) 505-1010, anytime during the day or night.

  • Summary Table of Themes and Learning Content in Sexuality Education
    Since the 2018 back-to-school season, schools must teach sex education to their students for about 15 hours per school year. This summary of the themes and learning content by the Government of Quebec is a tool that will help you plan and organize those courses.

  • Amaze
    This website is a goldmine for any adult or teen that needs information about sexuality, consent, puberty or answers to the many questions that you can have about those subjects. You can find videos, articles, advice, and a lot more useful things !

  • Sex & U
    This website, developed by the Society of obstetricians and gynaecologists of Canada, tackles sexuality in seven big categories: your body, sexual activity, LGBTTQ+, STIs, contraception, pregnancy, and consent.

  • SexEducator
    Magazine aimed at sex educators who work with teens. Each issue targets a subject and presents multiple activities for a comprehensive view of the subject.

  • Scarleteen | Sex ed for the real world
    Website aiming at a fully comprehensive sex and relationship education for teens and emerging adults. Divided by themes, it also has a forum, a live-chat and a texting service.
  • LGBTQ Youth Resources - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Health
    It's an interactive website that offers a lot of resources and useful tools to promote the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people, and to get them the help they may need in any type of given situation.

  • Measures for openness to and support for trans and non-binary students - Table Nationale de lutte contre l'homophobie et la transphobie
    This very interesting and useful guide addresses the issues that trans and non-binary youth can go through at school, what their rights are and which good practices to adopt to include them, so that every school can adapt to very student, regardless of their gender identity or gender expression. This guide is also about specific situations like bullying, harassment, or for example about the impact of a mistake made about someone's gender. You'll also find young people' testimonies to show exactly what they can feel in those types of situations. If you want your school to be inclusive, it's a must read!

  • Tools and resources for professionals working with youth and families - LGBT Family Coalition
    Classified in 12 categories, this tool offers many resources for intervention teams and for the parents that want to educate themselves about the realities of LGBTQ+ families in Quebec. You can find general information about issues related to homophobia and transphobia, about ways to create safe and inclusive spaces, about the legal support you can rely on to promote inclusion, or activities that you can do in class (primary and secondary schools). There also are many different books and videos to discover, and you can find information for the families with LGBTQ+ parents.

  • Simply Having a Gay Straight Alliance Reduces Suicide Risk for All Students*
    This article presents the results of a British Columbia study that show the positive impacts of having a GSA in a school, for example how it significantly reduces the risk of suicidal ideation and the risk of bullying, no matter what your sexual orientation or gender identity/expression is. To have a direct access to the mentioned study, click onthis link.

  • Positive Impacts of Gay-Straight / Queer-Straight Alliances*
    This document presents a great number of studies that were carried out about the impacts of GSAs/QSAs in the different provinces of Canada : this shows us that having an alliance in your school has far more than one positive impact, and it allows us to create more open and inclusive spaces for young people, whether they are a part of the LGBTQ+ or not.
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