[TROISIÈME GENRE] Genderqueer en Gaspésie : l’histoire de Silver Catalano

RAD, Radio-Canada


Language: French (English subtitles available)

Keywords: genderqueer, queer, gender identity, gender expression

Description: The RAD team meets Silver, genderqueer artist from Chandler, in Gaspésie. Silver talks about his childhood, his parents and about the term genderqueer.

Youtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klAauJ0FKXA


Review :

This video tells us the story of a genderqueer person, Silver, living in a rural area. The term “genderqueer” is explained, and by introducing us to his best friend, Silver explains how important it has been for him to have a friend to rely on during his teenage years. Overall, we understand through this touching story that it’s important to not let our differences divide us, and that we can always learn something from someone else’s story.


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