You will find in this section a directory of LGBTQ+ resources for people from ages 12 to 20. If you want to suggest us a new resource, don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail at [email protected].
Canada-wide and Quebec-wide resources
Some organizations can offer you support no matter where you are in Canada: Interligne, Kids Help Phone and Gender Creative Kids. If you live in Quebec, the following resources can also give you the support you need, no matter what region you live in: Tel-jeunes, Aide aux trans du Québec and Action Santé Travesti(e)s Transsexuel(le)s du Québec (ASTTEQ).
LGBT Family Coalition / Coalition des familles LGBT
La Coalition des familles LGBT milite pour la reconnaissance légale et sociale des familles avec parents lesbiens, gais, bisexuels et trans, en collaborant avec les organismes gouvernementaux et les médias. Cet organisme travaille dans l’objectif de favoriser la visibilité de ces familles et d'améliorer les connaissances du public face aux réalités des familles LGBT. Un autre mandat de la Coalition des familles LGBT est de créer de nouvelles ressources qui peuvent être utilisées dans les écoles primaires et secondaires, les garderies, les organismes communautaires ou encore les services médicaux et sociaux afin de sensibiliser le public au sujet de la diversité des structures familiales.
The LGBT Family Coalition is lobbying for social and legal recognition of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans parents, by working with government organizations and medias. This organization is working towards increasing the exposure of those families and improving people's knowledge about LGBT family realities. The Coalition has another mission : it is to create new resources that can be used in primary and secondary schools, daycares, community organizations or social and medical services, to raise awareness about the diversity of family structures.