Ensemble contre l’intimidation
As part of the “Ensemble contre l’intimidation” project, Interligne’s youth committee created 5 tools by and for young people aimed at raising awareness against homophobic and transphobic bullying in youth communities. Among these tools, 3 slogans against intimation were thought out and printed on sweaters, posters and stickers. These first tools were launched on Pink Day in February 2021: the international day against bullying! The committee then created a video featuring the different letters of the acronym LGBTQIA2SNBP +, as well as a comic explaining how to be a better ally.
This project aims to raise awareness of homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools and other youth communities. These tools can be used to equip and educate people in the face of bullying experienced by young people of sexual and gender diversity.

You’re Welcome, My Friend
“You’re Welcome, My Friend” is the visualization of a click, of a moment when a person realizes the importance of joining forces with the LGBTQ+ cause. These images are worth more than a thousand words.
This comic is part of the “Ensemble contre l’intimidation” program, which aims to create anti-bullying tools by and for young people of a homophobic and transphobic nature. The screenplay was written in collaboration with Guillaume Morin.

Click the link below to download the comic
Comic - You're welcome, my friend - EN (2599 downloads )Clique le lien ci-dessous pour télécharger la BD en français

Thank you to all the partners who made this project possible.
Official presenter of our Youth program
LGBTQ+ what does that mean? – French only
Have you ever heard of the acronym LGBTQIA2SNBP+? Have you ever wondered what each letter means?
Using this video presented by Interligne, discover the meaning of the acronym LGBTQ+, its history and the diversity of the communities it brings together.
Thank you to all the partners who made this project possible.
Official presenter of our Youth program.
Pink Shirt Day 2021
On February 26, 2007, two students from Central Kings Rural High School in Nova Scotia intervened to counter the bullying of a classmate who dared to wear pink. Since then, the day of the last Wednesday in February has become an international opportunity to take action against bullying in all its forms, including wearing the pink t-shirt.
On the occasion of Pink Shirt Day, Interligne is launching a toolkit to fight bullying against LGBTQ+ people in Quebec. Developed from a concept imagined by the members of Interligne’s Youth Space, a visual was designed to raise public awareness of bullying committed online in the specific context of the health crisis. This visual is currently worn as a t-shirt by some of the big names in the Quebec media space, and is spreading on the web using the hashtag #EnsembleContreLintimidation.
Thanks to funding from the Ministry of the Family, members of the Interligne Youth Space were invited to join their efforts to create a set of t-shirts, stickers and posters on the theme of bullying. the place of LGBTQ + people in Quebec.