Tu trouveras dans cette section un répertoire de ressources LGBTQ+ pour les personnes de 12 à 20 ans. Si tu souhaites nous suggérer une nouvelle ressource, n’hésite pas à nous envoyer un courriel à [email protected].
Ressources pancanadiennes et panquébécoises
Certaines organisations peuvent t’offrir un soutien peu importe où tu te trouves au Canada. Il s’agit d’Interligne, de Jeunesse, J’écoute et d’Enfants transgenres Canada. Si tu habites au Québec, les ressources suivantes peuvent aussi t’offrir un soutien peu importe la région où tu te trouves : Tel-jeunes, Aide aux trans du Québec et Action Santé Travesti(e)s Transsexuel(le)s du Québec (ASTTEQ).
Revolution they wrote – Short works feminist Theatre and Performance Festival
Revolution They Wrote is headed by Artistic Director Murdoch. A graduate of the Concordia Theatre Program she studied a branch of political/social theatre called Theatre Development. Her degree focused on how to use theatre for social change. In her own work Murdoch is a director, dramaturge, creator and theatre teacher in Montreal.
Revolution They Wrote believes that for a work to be considered feminist, it needs to center on equality and the intersections of gendered oppression.
The work can explore, challenge, provoke, inspire.
The work can reimagine, reframe, retell, reclaim.
The work can take any form and style it wants.
But it must center on equality and the intersections of gendered oppression.
Our definition of feminist art is informed by Lucy Lippard and the rad folks at Bitch Planet